It is very possible you had a hula hoop when you were a kid. Whether you
ever mastered it or not, it is time to pick up that hula hoop and try it again! When choosing a hula hoop, it is important to find one that is the correct size.
If you stand the hula hoop on its side, the top of it should come somewhere between your chest and your waist.

The first few times you try hula hooping may seem difficult, but with practice it can be a very enjoyable workout! If you don't feel like working out, you can take it down a notch and dance with your hoop.  Hoop dancing is also a great way to burn calories even when you aren't meaning to. :)

Works Core Muscles

Spinning a hula hoop works thirty core muslces, including glutes, thighs, abs and lower back muscles that support and stabilize your posture. The rhythmic, all-over workout is a low-impact way to balance mucsle tone throughout your core.

Activates Joints

The regular push-pull motion it takes to keep the hoop up stretches muscles and introduces movement to your spine that helps brings nutrients to your intervertebral discs. 

Builds Aerobic Capacity

As fun as it is, it takes a lot of oxygen and increased blood flow to keep your hoop in orbit around your waist. An hour of intense hooping (or hulaerobics) can burn as many calories as an hour-long run on the treadmill. The heavier the hoop, the easier it will be to keep it up.

Increases Body Awareness

Hooping focuses your mind on where your body is in space while working underappreciated core muscles that, once activated, are a nice reminder not to stagnate on the couch or at your desk. Add music to the mix, and it’s easy to understand how hooping can be an energizing form of stress relief.

Improves Your Mood

Hooping gets you animated. It’s hard to stay blasé while gyrating, and probably hard to frown once you get the hang of twirling. There’s a lot of anecdotal evidence that hooping, and exercise in general, is a great antidepressant and confidence booster.

You can do it anywhere and make it a creative expression with the variety of decorative cloth and tapes, LED hoops and a wide range of sizes and weights. 

Have fun with it!

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